Friday, May 6, 2011

Five Reasons the Mavericks Have the Lakers Down 3-0

Reviewing the past three games, the Lakers need to reverse their game plan in order to make NBA playoff history. However, for the sake of this entry, here are five reasons that the Mavericks have an opportunity to sweep the Lakers come Sunday.

1. The Mavericks have had better team defense.

As a team the Mavericks have been better defensively than the Lakers. In game 3 the Mavericks showed the Lakers early how to play team defense WITH FULL ROTATIONS. After a screen switch Kidd ended up guarding Odom with the ball on the right block. After Odom kicks it out to Kobe, then Kobe to Fisher, then Fisher to Gasol in the left corner, who was guarding him? Kidd. The Mavericks rotated all the way around and Kidd went from one side of the court to the other to pick up the open man. A second example of team defense was when Dirk and Kidd doubled Gasol baseline and Chandler took away the passing lane and was able to get the steal.

2. The Lakers lack of team defense

Just as impressive as the Mavericks team defense has been, the Lakers have been almost the complete opposite. Between Kobe, Bynum, Gasol, Odom, and Artest, the Lakers not only have excellent defenders but length and athleticism at their disposal. Now if someone could only get them to play team defense. After game two, Bynum told the media that the Lakers had "trust issues". When Kobe was asked about this he attributed it to the lack of help defense. The play where Barea split the lane and Bynum gave perfect help only for his man to get a sideline slam is a perfect example. One rotation is not enough! You make the required rotations when you gain possession of the ball.

3. The Mavericks have a plethora of three point shooters, oh yeah and they make them!

The big four of course are Dirk, Kidd, Terry and Peja. In each game they have had way too many wide open looks. Dirk alone had three three point shots he drained when there wasn't a Laker within almost ten feet of him in game three. Those four combined are shooting just below 42% from the three point line. While the Lakers have not shot better then 26% from three and as bad as 10% in game two. Give it to the Mavs, they are hitting from deep and the Lakers defensive is helping them out.

4. Freaky Friday has become reality

As far as I am aware, the Lakers were still in possession of the better and more experienced Gasol brother, right? Either way, Pau Gasol is no where to be seen this postseason. His numbers have dropped from last year’s playoffs and this year’s regular season as if he had a critical injury. FG% down 10 percent, rebounds down 2 a game, and points down 5 a game in comparison to the regular season. I was under the impression that stars and leaders of teams played better in the postseason. (See Derrick Rose and Dirk Nowitzki)

5. Dirk Nowitzki

I never expected Dirk Nowitzki to play the way he has been this series; better than I have ever seen. Shooting, passing, driving, and yes, even defensively. And before you bring up the choke in the finals, Dirk and his Mavericks have out scored the Lakers in the fourth quarter every game this season. Like Kobe, Dirk is basically impossible to guard. And game three he drove and drew fouls as well as passed it out of the double team extremely well. You can't stop Dirk, but you don't have to give him wide open looks from the three point line.

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