Monday, September 26, 2011

NBA Updates

The NBA is very lucky that the NFL season started without a hitch. Of course even if the NFL was still in lockout they would currently be receiving the majority of the criticism.

November 1st is closing in fast and still there appears to be nothing positive to report. Instead we are stuck with more negative news from the league.

According to training camps have been postponed indefinitely and 43 preseason games scheduled through October 15th have been canceled.

Honestly I am partially okay with this. I would rather lose more of the NBA preseason than the NFL preseason because I do not believe basketball players need as long of a preseason they are already given to prepare for a 82 game season.

And I did tell a white lie. Well I did if you count this as good news. Jay-Z has announced the official name change of the Nets to the Brooklyn Nets instead of New Jersey. And he will have multiple concerts in the new Barclay Center.

Be prepared to see Knicks fans jumping over to root for the Nets despite the Knicks still hoping to improve with the late addition of Carmelo Anthony.

Unless your a Jay-Z fan or at least live in the Brooklyn area there is not much reason to be hopefully about the 2011-2012 NBA season yet.

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