Thursday, September 1, 2011

An Appeal to American Sports Fans

Dear American sports fans, I understand that you are “ready for some football”, you cannot wait for the fall classic to start, and once the NBA lockout is lifted all will be perfect. Allow me, for a moment, to show you a gem that has been sitting at your feet and waiting to be admired.

You would have thought we as Americans would have more fully discovered and embraced “the beautiful game” sooner than we are even beginning to now. Of course what I am referring to is soccer, the original “football” if you will. For as old as soccer is, it can be traced to the eighth century in England, and for how popular it is worldwide, soccer is the most watched and played sport globally, it is shocking that its popularity within the United States is lack luster in comparison. It is nearly impossible to trace the cause of this to one specific reason, although a few broad generic reasons do jump to mind.

The game is too slow. As Americans we like our fast paced lifestyles, and we are obsessed with speed in sports. We will over analyze the potential of a prospect in the NFL draft because they ran a forty yard dash time in 4.47 seconds and not in 4.38 seconds, and so the prospect might drop round in the draft because of those .9 seconds. Soccer is cluttered with phenomenal athletes. In most countries their best athletes are soccer players. A standard soccer pitch (field) is just as long as a football field if you include the endzones and a soccer field is nearly thirty yards wider than a football field. You also must keep in mind that unlike football, where the average play is roughly six to seven seconds long, soccer the majority of the time there is no dead time with the exception of fouls and say corner kicks, although even then the players are jogging to get into better position pre play. Overall soccer might not appear to be happening as fast as say basketball or football, but soccer has a different pace and therefore a different feel while watching it.

The scores are too low and there are not enough exciting moments over the course of the game. Well first of we call baseball our past time. And there can be no argument that says there are more exciting moments in the course of an average baseball game then a soccer game. Baseball like soccer, are both lower scoring games that can be both appreciated as such. Also look at it like this, the only true “high scoring” game is basketball. Sure football scores will read 28-14 or 42-28, but when you break down how many times each team actually scored, it looks more like 4-3 or 6-4. Not that much more coring then in soccer honestly, however I do view the “lack” of scoring in soccer to be a good thing, it builds tension as the game progresses. When every play and touch of the ball could easily win or lose the game for you or your team, the excitement while watching a play unfold can almost be unmatched by other sports.

What else is wrong with soccer? Do not tell me that it not being “American” is a problem now. Because it is not “our” game, get over yourself if that is the case. Once again remember America’s past time baseball? It’s just an adaptation of the English games of cricket. And basketball, the sport that we have for the most part had complete control in regards to international competition, well it was created by a Canadian who happened to be working in Springfield, Massachusetts. So please do not be that naive and even think that this is a legitimate reason.

Soccer’s popularity in the United States has seen a rise in the past few years. The men’s World Cup was watched by many and even the women’s World Cup was grabbing plenty of headline space. The MLS this year had two more expansion teams with the Portland Timbers and Vancouver Whitecaps. Yet still the support and media coverage that the game gets is lack luster in comparison to golf, basketball, football, and baseball. All I ask of you is to give it a chance if you have not already, turn on the MLS and watch a few games. Make a concerted effort to at least try to get into soccer, and if you do, I promise that you will be surprised with the results.


  1. Good article. you forgot TWO things though. 1.Football is the worlds game because the world really doesnt play very many other games. Europe and africa and south america really only focus on football whereas the USA has american THROWball, basketball and baseball and hockey and track and field and golf and extreme sports like skateboarding and bmx and motorcross.... true football has soooo much to compete with in the USA.
    2. the talent pool. Americans are used to watching the absolute BEST play the game. If the Michael Jordan of the sport is playing in Spain then they arnt going to pay attention as they would if he was playing for the Chicago Fire. Bring Messi and Ronaldo and Rooney to America and I guarantee you that football will grow exponentially fast and would easily rival the major sports in the USA.

  2. and don't forget the origin of GOLF... and TENNIS...

  3. That is very true. I never even considered the fact that we are also bombarded with sports. I mean the little league world series is even getting ESPN airtime.
