Sunday, February 13, 2011

Rooney Kicks The Critics

Yes, I am writing about soccer. Living in Europe for several months straight will do that. I do not believe I will ever go away from following "the beautiful game". It has to do with better understanding of the game and my obsession with anything to do with sport and competitiveness.

Wayne Rooney, plagued in recent months with injuries and being benched following a worse then poor performance in the World Cup, might have quieted all of his critics with one kick. Well maybe not all of them, but he has to have come close to it. In case you are not sure what "kick" I am talking about, see the video below.

The context of this goal makes it even better, if that is even possible. This heated rivalry between Manchester United and Manchester City is the first time in a few decades that the game could affect the league champion between the two teams. Man U was number one and Man City was third and only five points (a victory counts as three and a tie as one in the league standings) away from Man U.

Fast forward to the 78th minute, the score is tied 1-1 and it almost looked like Man City was about to take the momentum and the lead. Until Mr Rooney unleashed the best timed bicycle kick in the history of the game. It was so utterly ridiculous that the goalie did not even move his feet. Even if he had reacted however, the reply shows how Rooney placed the ball in the top right corner of the net, making it almost, if not entirely, physically impossible for it to be saved anyway.

That was only Rooney's fifth goal in the Premier league this season, but it was one that could have very well clinched the league title for Man U. If anyone deserved it, it was Rooney. I have been watching and playing sports my whole life, and even though I have only picked up watching and playing soccer in the past few months I could still tell that Rooney is one of the hardest working players on the field. If there was ever a chance for him to get the ball of make a play he never passed on the opportunity to at least try and make something happen. I think that Lionel Messi's quote about Rooney's passion for the game sums up my point well;

"We all know football players at the top level are blessed with high wages, it's no secret. But Rooney would play for 100 euros-a-week. You can see the fire in his eyes. It's that fire which makes him the best of the best."

So to all of those who did not believe in Rooney, I myself was a little concerned but never stopped rooting simply because of the passion and energy he brings, take another look at the video above and tip your hat at one of the worlds best.


  1. That kick will be a strong nominee for top ten plays of the year. And it's only February.

  2. well said sir! So glad I was there to see it with you!
