Wednesday, February 2, 2011

"Decision 2011"

Oh what has become of our instant news and media information society. Signing day has begun in the college football world and as I logged into the ESPN homepage the front story and video is how Jadeveon Clowney, the number 1 prospect according to ESPN, has still not committed. Clowney seems like a stand up guy, nothing against him at all, however do we need to turn this into "decision" part 2?

Let me play devils advocate for a second. Maybe we do need it, or at least we want it. Both Lebron's "decision" and Clowney's would not be front page stories if nobody cared. As sports fans, fans as in fanatics, we are always wanting to know more and hear about it first. So going to the source is really the best way to go about it.

Minute to minute updates might be a bit overboard at the same time however. Yet I am sitting here writing a blog within five minutes of watching the video and giving my opinion on it. I guess I just need to stop being so hypocritical and enjoy the fact we have the ability to have a "decision" 2010 or 2011.


  1. Like your opinions. I think the media methods surrounding the actual sports are worth some attention in and of themselves too. After all, society and sports are inextricably intertwined.
