Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Joe Pa's Gotta Go

The recent news of former assistant coach Jerry Sandusky at Penn State has now enabled the previously unthinkable. The release of Joe Paterno.

I cannot believe some of the comments I have come across concerning this.
Anyone who thinks that Paterno has nothing to do with does not understand it is his program, it happened under his watch, he did not follow up on the issue and it was his own coaching staff that committed this unforgivable crime.

In a time when programs are being busted by the NCAA year after year it is about time for a program to take control. While Penn State had this opportunity, they dropped the ball like every other program.

Sandusky allegedly raping young boys had been brought up before after there had been an eye witness and nothing was done to bring him to justice. That was Penn States first strike, and it was a big one.

Second strike, releasing a restriction on the media this morning not allowing the press to bring up this issue and only discuss "football" related topics.

Then Pen State shortly after cancels the press conference all together. Strike three.

Not that Penn State needed three strikes. Their first violation is enough to make me outraged.

The worse comment I heard all day was someone calling into the Dan Patrick show and saying that Paterno should not be let go because this does not concern him and is not football related.

Furry. That is all I could feel at this comment. Not only are comments like this not logical they are also not ethical and disrespectful to these victims.

In a time when Jim Tressel is forced out of his head coaching position at Ohio State because his players traded game memorabilia for tattoo's and Paterno should stay after an assistant coach under him has raped underage boys. The president has been set and Paterno's last hours are or at least should be ticking away.

It does not matter how long Paterno has been at Penn or what he means to the program, for something like this to happen under his watch and for him to not go to authorities with it but do the bare minimum to get it off of his hands is unacceptable as a head coach and a human being.

It is too late for Penn State to recover their image but they could at least get this one right and let go of Paterno with no strings attached. The president for violations not nearly as worse as this has been set and their is no question about it, Joe Pa's gotta go.

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