Friday, June 3, 2011

Too Hot for Heat, Mavs Tie Series

I began to check my email and think about going to bed early, the game was practically over anyway. Apparently the Heat were thinking the same thing I was.

The Mavericks went on a rampage out scoring the Heat 22-5 in the last half of the fourth quarter.

It was an absolute meltdown by the Heat.

I don't know if you caught Dwayne Wade on the floor after his last shot at the end of the game. Wade fell to the hardwood after his last second heave and watched the ball fly all the way until it came off the back rim. As soon as it did, he rolled over facing a referee, put on his puppy dog face,held his eye and held out his hand looking for referee to come to the rescue and bail him out.

Pathetic. Absolutely pathetic. Playing the last five minutes of the game like Wade played the first forty three minutes would have easily prevented Wade from being in this situation and he and Lebron would be two games away from a NBA championship.

But they didn't.

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