Wednesday, August 11, 2010

NBA Goes International

The NBA schedule was released recently. The games that popped out of course were James and the Heat playing in Cleveland, and Heat vs Lakers Christmas day.

Something that I didn't even notice until it was announced was that there will be two international regular season games, both in London. Commissioner David Stern wants to expand the NBA and bring more global attention to it. So immediately I assume that the NBA would send the best of the best to represent the league, right? Teams like the Heat, Lakers, Thunder, Bulls, Magic, or Celtics as the teams that would be sent across the pond.

Not quite. Instead the NBA will be represented by the Toronto Raptors and New Jersey it's not April 1st.

The Raptors finished last season two games below a five hundred WITH BOSH. And the Nets finished with the third worst record in an eighty two game season in NBA history. So why would either one of these teams be sent to play in London?

Honestly, no idea.

At least the Lakers are playing a preseason game in London against the T-Wolves and a game in Spain against Regal FC Barcelona. Those two moves are excellent ideas to draw attention to the NBA.

Apparently Stern favors the two steps forward and one step back approach to expanding the NBA. At least it's a step in the right direction and there is always the 11-12 season for him to get it right.


  1. Really good...we should go to a game!

  2. Nice post. I like the international focus on sports since coverage here in the US can be very same ol' same ol'.

  3. Don't think any other teams want to travel to London during regular season. So they have to scrape from the bottom. You could go to the game but unfortunately, regardless of how it's billed, it would not be an "NBA" game.
