Friday, July 9, 2010

Decision 2010

And so the aftermath of “decision 2010” began. Jerseys were burnt, dogs were kicked, tears were shed and more surprisingly a NBA owner unleashed his inner child. Yes James, left his hometown, yes he did it on national television and yes he did it with a look of no remorse. However lets remember that James was a FREE agent. Free to choose whichever team he wanted to go to. Teams are allowed to cut or trade away players and it is considered “business”, but when James makes his decision based on business he is criticized for not having a heart.

Now back to the child who is Dan Gilbert. In his open letter to Cavaliers fans, Gilbert says “You simply don't deserve this kind of cowardly betrayal”. I wouldn’t consider LeBron James announcing his decision on national television very cowardly. Then Gilbert really stuck it to James, promising the Cavs fans in bold letters that the Cleveland Cavaliers will win a NBA Championship before LeBron James does. I’m not sure if Dan Gilbert wrote this letter or the eleven year old kid down the street did as he was throwing away his James jersey.

Winning the fans over is one thing, but this is more of a cover up. The Cavs did nothingto bring back James. The Bulls and Heat made big moves and that is why it came down to them and the Cavs. Except all the Cavs had to offer was that it was his hometown, hooray! Not really, James wants to win. So Cavs fans, instead of blaming James for going to a better team, why don’t you turn around and take a good look at what your front office did to keep him.

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